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Game Patch 16.0 completed.

Posted by: KicksOnline Posted on: 07 Mar, 2022

[Reconnect feature]
In case of game disconnection while the match still is still ongoing and playing , disconnected players can restart the client , login , select the character they played on , select server they played on , click on the room they were playing in and it will allow them to rejoin the game. Disconnected players may also choose to not rejoin the room for whatever reason, in which case they will receive a warning on their character for disconnecting.

[BUG Fix]
In case that when creating a character the initial stats are added on: (Punching , Defense or GoalKeeping) the character will be created , however the previous mentioned stats doesn't work in game meaning that the (10) stats points previously assigned will back to be available to reassign.

[Match Log]
The player who hosted the match is now visible for everyone in the Match Log page.

[Kicks Market]
Added items (+15 Running) stats on the Kicks Web Market.
Added items (+15 Short Shoot) stats on the Kicks Web Market.
Added items (+15 Long Shoot) stats on the Kicks Web Market.

[New commands]
#MISSING - This command can be used in events and it display the players that are not connected in the event.
GMS have now a command to force 4vs4 mode to any room if deem necessary.
GMS have now a command to force 5vs5 mode to any room if deem necessary.

[Initial basic skills]
New created characters will not only get a EXP Rate higher than usual until reaching level 31 but also will automatically receive the basic skills according their position for 30 days. The initial items were changed as well (replaced for the old panda outfit) the new clothes have a duration of 30 days too.

Waiting Rooms: Time max limit (3) minutes , if the room is waiting and still with password after the time limit passed it will automatically remove the password from the room and broadcast a message to all the players.

[Club Server]
The club server has been enabled , only characters that joined an existing club can access to this server and play against other clubs there you can gain more EXP/POINTS than usual and gain CB (Club points which are usable for buy a Primary & Secondary uniform) , last but not least the Top 5 Clubs with more Club Points will appear on the club ranking page.